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Máquina de rodadura MB76EPV

MB76EPV – electro-pneumatic rolling machine with two buttons for START: the result is a perfect and uniform marking. Uniform, deep and very fast marking in one shot.

  • Gear motor 0,75HP to move the slide up to 290mm stroke
  • Power supply 380V
  • Pneumatic piston to move the part up and down after the marking
  • PLC with 4 different jobs, possible interface with a robot
  • Table with 4 adjustable feet- Inside the electric box and the piston mouvement

Datos técnicos

Talla 730x1785x650 mm
Peso 300 Kg
Materiales Plásticos
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Vea lo rápido y fácil que es marcar con nuestras máquinas de rodadura!

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Automator Marking Systems S.L.

Carrer d'Orient 78-84 local 8-2

Edificio Inbisa

08172 San Cugat del Valles, Barcelona



Tel: +34 93 137 75 47

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